Please bring your valid health care with you to every appointment. You will be asked to present your health card during check-in and may be charged for your visit if the card is expired.
To ensure continuity of care, routine visits must be scheduled with your own family physician. For urgent (same day) appointments, you may see one of the other physicians in the clinic.
We request minimum 24 hours' notice should you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment.
Charges will apply for appointments cancelled without notice.
All test results that return to the office are reviewed by your physician. If additional follow-up or review is warranted, you will receive a call or secure email message from the office to schedule a follow-up appointment.
We do not routinely call patients regarding normal test results.
Your doctor will renew your prescriptions at each visit to meet your ongoing needs. Please anticipate your needs well in advance to reduce the need for telephone renewals.
If you require a faxed prescription renewal, ask your pharmacy to fax us the information.
There is a $20.00 fee for each faxed renewal (without an office visit). Renewals are included for those who have subscribed to the Extended Coverage Plan.
Please allow up to 48 hours for your physician to respond to a prescription request from your pharmacy.
Not all prescriptions should be renewed without an appointment; this is at the discretion of your physician.
If you need to see a specialist or undergo certain specialized testing, your doctor will send a referral request to the consultant directly from our office. You will be contacted by either the specialist's office or by our staff (by phone or email) to provide an appointment time.
If you have not received an appointment within 1 month of the consult request, please contact our clinic so that we may follow-up regarding the status of your referral.
Please call the office back ASAP when we call you to give you the information of the referral appointment. If we email you the appointment details, please confirm receipt of the email.
E- Messaging can be used with Cortico; our secure portal for encrypted email.
You will receive an email notification in your inbox that a secure message has been sent by our office and you will have to login to Cortico to retrieve it.
E-Messaging are used for non-urgent matters, including relaying appointment information and non-urgent test results. Messages can only be initiated from the doctor to the patient. If requested by the doctor/office, patients will be able to respond to the message.